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ch.1- 'More than just a game'

Sports have been an influence to many people and cultures, and probably will be for an infinate amount of time.  "The Meaning of Sports" by Micheal Mandelbaum, thoroughly researched the views of Sports fans as well as those who basically could care less. The group that was not interested in sports, particularly, baseball, football and basketball did not understand why so many Americans waste their time becoming so involoved. This brings up the oppinonated question, are these activites just  a mindless pastime ?
     To those who do find themselves shouting at the television, or perhaps missing work to catch a certain play-off game, are part of a culture that has swept the nation and just continues to grow. This culture is the life of a sports fan. A true sports fan does not simply root for a team they are "suppose" to like, but finds their blood pressure rise in the bottom of the ninth, or at the two minute warning. The people that have a very large extended family, perhaps including a cathcer or quaterback. Mandlbaum who is not only a sports writter but one of the nations intelligent policy thinkers as well,  examplifies how sports help feed simple human needs.
   Passion towards certain sports teams is the result of many reasons according to "The Meaning of Sports". One of these reasons is simply the historical success of infamous players. Most people go through their lives looking up to some form of a hero or romodel, these notorious athletes give hope and magic to many people young and old.  Atheletes such as Micheal Jordan and Babe Ruth give hope to many kids growing up. As cliche as it sounds they promote the simple thought "dreams do come true, if you want something enough, anything is possible".
   The author of "The meaning of Sports" goes into detail about the mind frame of the different fans, in each sport. Discussing the difference of the games clarifies any misconceptions  the "non-fans" may have while reading the book as well. Mandelbaum discusses in detail the impact each sport has on our nation. It's basically a simple concept, Americans find themselves so interested in sports because we are one of the most infamous places for major league associations. These sports team in a way are the countries family. The majority of civilians of each state find comfort in supporting the team that was built from their home. One of the reasons the passion is so strong is because these players are representing a piece of each fan and where they come from.
   Finally, another reason Mandelbaum explaines why people are so passionate about sports teams is becasue it is a simple extension of their past. A continuation of childhood, an escape from the hectic lives of "grown-ups" Many children find themselves bonding with their parents or family members, by rooting for the same team. This stays with the child as they grow up, turning that bond into a true passion. After the sports fan has children of their own the tradition is most likly to be passed on. This and the other reasons explaned earlier prove that sports are a way of live that brings people together, educates the idea of historical figures, provide romodels and brings comfort to many.
So, as for the simple question, "is it more then just a game?" The obvious answer pointed out by Mandelbaum is; most definatly.


Why Americans Watch Baseball, Football and Basketball and what they see

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