"Game Time" by Roger Angell
Baseball is one of the many sports that greatly influences
the American culture. One of the sports that has been around for many of today's population's entire existance. A sport
that had brought a tiny bit of hope during our Countries wars and hardships. A sport that drives millions of kids through
little league, high school, college ball and some as far as the 'big leagues'. A pastime that brings people
together. So what really goes on during this game? When did it become so popular? Who are the major influences that we
all look up to? well All these and more of my questions were answered after reading the non- fictional book-"Game
Time" by Roger Angell. Angell is considered one of the greatest baseball writters of all time. Describing the different
seasons of baseball, the major parks and stars and his love of the game are all described in great detail, making the
book enjoyable, yet still knowledgable.
One of Angells favorite aspects of
baseball is the fact that it almost never changes. In today's chaotic world of change, it is comforting to have
something stable to fall back on. " The game maintains its casual, elemental sturdiness reminiscent of pastoral, patriotic
origins"1 With the country's economy on the rise and population continuing, everyone seems
acustom to all this change. However, the few particular pastimes that dont change are what I consider
the reason for growth. Baseball is one of those rare comadities that consists of a heated competition, without the hostility.
One of the aspects of "Game Time" that I found particularly intresting
was the fact that Angell listed the different struggles and benefits of each season for a baseball palyer, team and fan. I
found the chapters describing Spring to be the most unexpected. We all know that baseball players go through Spring training
and pre-season games, but what we didn't know is that sometimes the pre-and beginning of a season can be more imperitive and
difficult then the actual season itself. However, with the times changing, one of the few changes that may be occuring,
is the shape the players are in. With daily aerobics, physical fitness gyms, nutrionists and the desire for an even higher
salary, players are having an easier time jumping into pre-season do to their year round fitness. According to the book
in past years it would take atleast one to six months to work of the winter bellies. In the chapter 'Sunny Side of the
Street' the author described a New York Mets/Yankees pre-season game. I had no clue during a pre-season game in
Florida an entire stadium can be sold out. It is the true first sign of spring. Many people find the excitement in the pre-season
because it is a dim light at the end of a dark tunnel. Especially for those of us who live in very dark tunnels.(aka winters up
Another great aspect of baseball is the passion and dedication. Many
of the Major League fans are as dedicated as the actual players. Throughout a season these players and coaches become a
fan's family. Angell described how he felt when the player Sevear was taken from the New York Mets and then played
on the Red Soxs. My personal upset was when New York first baseman John Olreud was traded to Seattle few years back.
A fan's team is their true passion. when they win it brings joy, when they lose it brings upset.
According to the author one of the bitter-sweet parts of
baseball is the fact that their is room for losing. " You can't get discouraged over a few bad breaks" 2 In the game of baseball there is always a time when the team batting average goes down or a few game
losing streak occurs. With this sport easily having the most games played a season, statistics alone prove this. Every season
(especially after a not so good one) teams send out scouts to look for players that may have the potential to join their teams
minor league club. Angell described his expierence while covering a few of these stories. I found it intriguing when he explained
the difference between a draft system now, and one ten years ago. He had mentioned that if a team wants a player bad enough
now they just pay him more. ( "bonus babies"). When back in the day a scout would make a point to meet that players family
and personally welcome him to the club. It's these players that potentally become the hall of famers inthe future. According
to "Game Time" Bob Gibson retired at the end of the 1975 season with 3,117 strike-outs, this was only second to one other
with 3,508 strike-outs. However now with players becoming better and better, records seem to be fading. 3,267 strike-outs
is now acclamied by New York Yankee Gaylor Perry.
I personally thought Angell had written the book "Game Time" in
a successful manor. With sports being his true passion and career for a lifetime it was only obvious the book would consist
of baseball terms, players names and statistics. However, it was more then just a non-fictional description of the
sport, it explained one mans true passion for the game, and why so many people enjoy this game. Being a baseball fan, I was
extremely interested while reading about the different encounters he had as a sports writter, and the "behind the scene"
situations that really do take place. This author is also an author to many other baseball non- fiction stories.
In conclusion after reading this book, I have come to the conclusion that there is a million times more to this sport then
what meets the eye.